CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) õppematerjali 27. väljaanne on põhjalik juhend, mis aitab valmistuda CISA sertifikaadi eksamiks ning mõista infosüsteemide audiitori rolle ja kohustusi.

Käsiraamatut on täiendatud kõige värskema praktikaga, mis aitab eksamitegijal aru saada olulistest mõistetest ja terminitest, mida eksamil kõige enam kasutatakse.  

CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) küsimustiku 12. väljaanne on abiks CISA sertifikaadi eksamiks valmistumisel. Kogumik sisaldab enam kui 1000 valikvastustega küsimust.

Kogumikus toodud küsimused ei ole samad, mida küsitakse eksamil. Küsimuste eesmärk on anda eksami tegijale ülevaade küsimuste struktuurist ja teemadest ning eksami sisust üldisemalt.

This book provides a high-level overview of the major changes reshaping the demands on internal auditors and lays the foundation for your audit function’s shift to emerging technological internal assurance.

Agile IA is an innovative approach that uses Agile software development values, principles, and practices to transform how internal audit engagements are executed.

This methodology enhances the internal audit value proposition by facilitating a more agile approach to addressing organizational risk dynamics.

Agile IA includes process improvements, team-based iterative planning, sprints (time-boxed work increments), daily stand-up meetings, project collaboration with stakeholders, and iterative releases of work products.

This is a book about data - about how to reduce large data sets down to the critical few high-risk subsets and how to select items or transactions for testing.

Auditing Social Media, 2nd Edition, shows you how to leverage the power of social media for instant business benefits such as reaching new markets and increasing sales, while evaluating the risks involved.

The most successful businesses are using social media to gain real advantage over their competitors. But do they fully understand the risks?

This updated second edition provides internal audit professionals with insight on how to partner with the business to help ensure the pitfalls related to social media are identified and avoided.

This is a guide for new auditors that covers all the basics: from value proposition of internal audit to governance, risk, and compliance (GRC), the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), and how to conduct an audit. There is also guidance for experienced auditors who can reflect on what they should be doing.

The relatively new topic of auditing culture is a challenging one for internal auditors, as the risks and controls are more difficult to identify, assess, and audit. There are a number of emerging approaches to this type of audit, and this book provides both suggested approaches and a framework of areas to consider when examining the topic.

In this 2nd edition of Lessons Learned on the Audit Trail, author Richard Chambers shares fresh perspectives on the lessons in the first edition and imparts new lessons learned during the last few years. He has invested more than four decades serving the profession. His belief and motivation in writing this new edition is that if he can help just one internal auditor to be better prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, then the effort will have been worth it.

This 7th edition builds on Sawyer’s legacy by looking at internal auditing from a business perspective. It is organized to show what chief audit executives need to know to develop the ideal internal audit function and what internal auditors need to know to deliver current internal audit services and products.

Asu 2019 jälgima